User Stories

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Emily was tired of her RA flare-ups dictating her life. She heard about the potential connection between inflammation tracking and disease management and decided to try the COR One device.

By monitoring her inflammation levels, Emily started noticing patterns – spikes often occurred after… More

Emily was tired of her RA flare-ups dictating her life. She heard about the potential connection between inflammation tracking and disease management and decided to try the COR One device.

By monitoring her inflammation levels, Emily started noticing patterns – spikes often occurred after high-stress periods or when she indulged in certain foods.

This data gave Emily a new level of understanding of her body. She worked with her doctor to adjust her medication regimen and implemented lifestyle changes to address her identified triggers.

The COR One became her tracker for progress, showing a decrease in inflammation alongside fewer and less severe flare-ups. Emily felt empowered, knowing she was actively managing her RA and taking charge of her well-being.


Sarah felt like she was always dragging herself through the day. Then, she heard about the connection between inflammation and energy and decided to try the COR One.

After consistently monitoring her inflammation levels and cross-referencing the data with her diet, sleep, and stress… More

Sarah felt like she was always dragging herself through the day. Then, she heard about the connection between inflammation and energy and decided to try the COR One.

After consistently monitoring her inflammation levels and cross-referencing the data with her diet, sleep, and stress levels, Sarah pinpointed the culprits: processed foods and lack of sleep.

Armed with this knowledge, Sarah made focused changes – prioritizing whole foods, improving her sleep hygiene, and managing stress. The COR One device became her guide, showing her how her inflammation levels steadily decreased along with her fatigue. She regained her energy, revitalized her focus at work, and was back to feeling motivated for her workouts.

Sarah finally felt like herself again, all thanks to the insights from her COR One.


David had always been mindful of his health but as he entered his 50s, longevity became a top priority. He researched the role of inflammation in aging and chronic disease and decided to try the COR One.

By monitoring his inflammation levels, David gained… More

David had always been mindful of his health but as he entered his 50s, longevity became a top priority. He researched the role of inflammation in aging and chronic disease and decided to try the COR One.

By monitoring his inflammation levels, David gained valuable insights into how his diet, sleep, and exercise habits impacted this key marker of aging.

He noticed that stress and poor sleep significantly increased inflammation. Armed with this data, he prioritized stress management techniques and improved his sleep hygiene.

The COR One became his guide for optimizing his lifestyle, showing a consistent reduction in inflammation levels.

David felt empowered, knowing he proactively took data-driven steps towards not just living longer but living healthier.


Imani had always focused on a healthy lifestyle, but a nagging fatigue left her questioning what more she could do.

Aware of the higher risk for certain health conditions, she wanted to be proactive. She decided to explore the COR One to gain a… More

Imani had always focused on a healthy lifestyle, but a nagging fatigue left her questioning what more she could do.

Aware of the higher risk for certain health conditions, she wanted to be proactive. She decided to explore the COR One to gain a deeper understanding of her body.

By monitoring her inflammation levels, Imani discovered patterns – stress from managing her yoga studio and certain dietary choices seemed to trigger spikes.

Armed with this data, she felt empowered to refine her self-care practices. She incorporated stress-reduction techniques learned in her yoga training and adjusted her diet based on her unique inflammatory responses.

The COR One became her personalized wellness partner, reflecting the positive impact of her choices on her inflammation levels and overall well-being. Imani not only experienced a significant reduction in fatigue but also felt a renewed sense of control and confidence in her holistic approach to health.


Mark was tired of feeling bloated and sluggish after meals. He’d tried various diets over the years with limited success.

Frustrated, he learned about the connection between inflammation and food sensitivities and decided to try the COR One.

Mark began diligently tracking his inflammation… More

Mark was tired of feeling bloated and sluggish after meals. He’d tried various diets over the years with limited success.

Frustrated, he learned about the connection between inflammation and food sensitivities and decided to try the COR One.

Mark began diligently tracking his inflammation levels alongside a detailed food diary. He quickly noticed patterns – his inflammation spiked after eating dairy and gluten-containing foods.

This breakthrough empowered Mark to eliminate those triggers from his diet. He felt a significant improvement in his digestion and his afternoon energy slumps disappeared.

Using the COR One, Mark successfully reintroduced foods one by one, further personalizing his plan for optimal gut health and sustained energy.

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